Fletcher & Co. Nursery
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Screen Between' (PBR)
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Screen Between' (PBR)
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Screen Between' (PBR) is a fast growing and dense pittosporum cultivar suitable for both tight square cut hedges and also dense screens if left uncut. Many varieties of blue-green foliaged Pittosopurm tenuifolium are in cultivation. In our experience growing numerous cultivars, 'Screen Between' is by far the densest growing variety. Left uncut, Screen Between forms a dense screen up to 3m tall. clipped as a formal hedge, screen between can be maintained as thin as 0.5m and will provide an impenetrable screen.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Screen Between' (PBR) is a fast growing and dense pittosporum suitable for both tight square cut hedges and dense screens if left uncut. Many varieties of blue-green foliaged Pittosopurm tenuifolium are in cultivation. In our experience growing numerous cultivars, 'Screen Between' is by far the densest growing variety. If trimmed as a hedge, Screen Between can be maintained as low as 1m or as tall as 3m, with a recommended width of 0.75m to 1m.
typically hedged between 1m to 3m high x 1.0m wide
not hedged: 3m tall x 3m wide
full sun position
Plant spacing: 0.5m spacing for 1m tall or less. 1.0m spacing for hedges taller than 1m.